The Chesapeake Golden Retriever Club serves northeastern Maryland and northern Delaware

CGRC Affiliations

Chesapeake Golden Retriever Club, Inc. (CGRC) is an AKC sanctioned club affiliated with the Golden Retriever Club of America, the parent breed club for Golden Retrievers for the American Kennel Club.

CGRC also has a cordial working relationship, through club liaisons and membership, with the other regional Golden Retriever Clubs; Potomac Valley Golden Retriever Club, Lenape Golden Retriever Club, and Goldheart Golden Retriever Rescue, and regional area all breed clubs Northeast Maryland Kennel Club (NEMKC), Baltimore County Kennel Club (BCKC), Catonsville Kennel Club (CKC), Maryland Kennel Club (MKC) and others.

Golden Retriever Club of America

American Kennel Club

Potomac Valley Golden Retriever Club

Lenape Golden Retriever Club

Goldheart Golden Retriever Rescue

Northeastern Maryland Kennel Club

Baltimore County Kennel Club

Catonsville Kennel Club

Maryland Kennel Club




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