The Chesapeake Golden Retriever Club annually recognizes club members in several areas.
Chesapeake Golden Retriever Club Perpetual Cory Trophy
Am Can Ch. Sunshine Hill Core Memory Am Can CD, Am Can WC
This trophy has been donated to the Chesapeake Golden Retriever Club by Dr. and Mrs. J. Michael Selander of Great Falls, Virginia in memory of Cory, their first multi-titled Golden.
The trophy will be awarded annually to the Chesapeake GRC member whose owned or co-owned Golden Retriever achieves the most outstanding performance across multiple areas of endeavor during the preceding 12 month period. The trophy is to serve as an inspiration to all Chesapeake club members to strive to perfect the innate talents of their dogs in multiple areas.
The themes of this trophy have been artistically rendered by Marcia Schlehr. The trophy is composed of four base relief bronze castings, which symbolize the Golden Retriever in breed, obedience, field and tracking competition. In addition, the top of the trophy is crowned with a bronze sculpture of a Golden laying down, and looking up at you. This is a reflection of our sentiment, that above all else, Cory was first and foremost our family companion.
The point schedule for evaluating qualifications for this trophy's award recognizes accomplishment in all four areas of endeavor, recognizing a range of accomplishment that spans class placements (with competition) and qualifying scores, all the way through attainment of AKC and GRCA recognized titles, up to Show Dog Hall of Fame (SDHF), Obedience Trial Champion (OTCH), and National Amateur Field Championship (NAFC) level titles.
It must be noted, however, that it is the intent of this trophy, that it be awarded first and foremost on the basis of diversity of accomplishment, and secondly awarded on the basis of advanced proficiency in any one area of endeavor. Thus, the Golden who attains a Companion dog title and a single breed class placement is to be regarded as being more worthy of this trophy than the Golden who attains multiple Best of Breed wins. It is hoped that this trophy will encourage all Chesapeake Golden Retriever Club members to explore multiple areas of competition, and in this way better appreciate the versatility of the Golden Retriever and the incredible joy they can bring into our lives.
Chesapeake Golden Retriever Club Perpetual Asti, Josh and Uque Companion Dog Memorial
Charms Bubbly Asti Spumante, CD
Asti's Joshin the New Year, CD
And Charms U Too R Bubby, CD
This perpetual trophy has been donated by Stephanie Brooks in loving memory of her three golden retrievers. The award called Asti, Josh and Uque Companion Dog Memorial, is a 38" X 34" framed print of a Golden Retriever in a field.
Chesapeake Golden Retriever Club Recognition Awards
These awards recognize all dogs who have earned an title in the current year. |

Please help us keep up with your dogs' accomplishments this year. All current year titles and awards must be submitted by December 1. Please include your dog's name and whatever other information the club needs for this section.
Report current year titles and accomplishments - Click Here

CGRC Perpetual Cory Trophy Winners
CGRC Perpetual Asti, Josh, and Uque Companion Dog Memorial Winners
CGRC Recognition Awards Winners
