The Chesapeake Golden Retriever Club, Inc. is an organization whose members are united to do all in their power to protect and advance the interests of the breed by promoting responsible dog ownership, providing educational opportunities for all interested individuals, and by encouraging good sportsmanlike conduct and fair competition at all dog related events.
Club Management
CGRC, Inc. is governed by a Board of Directors elected from the general membership at our annual meeting in December.
Members are encouraged to volunteer for all events or activities in which they wish to involve themselves. Club Committees may include: Public Education, Breeder Referral, Conformation Events, Obedience Events, Educational Programs, Membership, Nominating Committee, Rescue, Hospitality and Sunshine. Committee Chairmen are needed to coordinate large events or activities, such as the annual picnic, annual awards banquet and inter-club activities. |

CGRC, Inc. will conduct sanctioned activities under the rules of the American Kennel Club, and with the guidance of the Golden Retriever Club of America.
CGRC, Inc. encourages and promotes responsible and ethical breeding of purebred Golden Retrievers, and will do everything possible to bring their natural qualities to perfection.
CGRC, Inc. encourages members and breeders to accept the American Kennel Club breed standard, as written by the Golden Retriever Club of America, as the only standard by which the Golden Retriever is judged.
CGRC, Inc. offers a variety of educational programs for the public to encourage responsible dog ownership, ethical breeding, and stimulate interest in obedience, field and conformation. |