The Chesapeake Golden Retriever Club serves northeastern Maryland and northern Delaware


AKC Hunt Test Home Page
AKC Regulations
UKC Hunt Tests
North American Hunting Retriever Association (NAHRA)

Working Certificate
GRCA Working Certificate Rules & Regulations

Field Training
Ponderosa Kennels Training Articles
Northern Flight Retriever Training
WildRose Kennels Training Articles
Bird Dog News

Field Events
AKC Event Search
EntryExpress - online entry and results and reports
Pin-Mark Entry Service - hunt test

Local Clubs involved in Field Events
Potomac Valley Golden Retriever Club
Susquehanna Retriever Club
Keystone Retriever Club
Del Bay Retriever Club

AKC Hunt Tests

AKC Retriever Hunt Tests were designed to give the dog owner a good, basic hunting dog and provide a place to run and compete. Here the dog is not competing against the other entries, but against a "standard." This "standard" was established by AKC as a means of judging good hunting retrievers and is modified periodically as and when needed.

GRCA Working Certificate

GRCA's purpose in establishing and making available a Working Certificate (WC) and Working Certificate Excellent (WCX) to all owners of Golden Retrievers is to encourage the use of and maintain the natural hunting and retrieving abilities which are genetically vital to the breed.


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