It is our responsibility to keep our dogs in good health and to include them in our lives. There are many activities that we can use to keep ourselves and our dogs fit and happy.
Animal Poison Control
The ASPCA Animal Poison Control Center is dedicated to helping animals exposed to potentially hazardous substances by providing 24-hour veterinary diagnostic and treatment recommendations. The center is staffed by veterinarians 24/7 365 days a year. There is a $50 fee per case.
Call (888) 426-4435 or go to the ASPCA Animal Poison Control Center site.
Fly Ball
Flyball is a relay race with 4 dogs on a team where each dog covers 4 hurdles, catches a tennis ball and returns.
North American Flyball Association
Grooming Your Golden
Bathing & Blow Drying
Ears & Whiskers
Tail & Shoulders
Bark Bytes
Health and Veterinary Information - Dog Owners Guide
PetCare Library
Pet Insurance
Missing Pet Resource
Missing Pet Partnership
Search & Rescue
Chesapeake Search and Rescue Dog
Therapy Dogs
Therapy dog handlers provide comfort and companionship by sharing the dog with the patients in hospitals, nursing homes and other institutions and wherever else a Therapy Dog is needed.
Pets on Wheels
Therapy Dogs International (TDI)
Comfort Caring Canines Therapy Dogs
Traveling with your Dog
Dog Friendly locations and lodging
Pet-Friendly Travel Guide