Chesapeake Golden Retriever Club, Inc. invites you to consider membership in the CGRC, and to join us as a participant or guest at competitive, educational or social activity.
The Club offers two types of voting memberships, which are open to individuals 18 years and older, and one non-voting membership, which is open to persons from 10 years to 18 years of age.
Limited to two adults over the age of 18 years, residing in the same household. Each person has a separate vote.
Limited to adults over the age of 18 years, who may enjoy all privileges of the Club.
Available to persons 10 through 17 years of age. Junior members may not vote or hold office. They may automatically convert to regular membership upon reaching their 18th birthday.
Annual Membership Dues
$25.00 Family Membership
$20.00 Individual Membership
$5.00 Junior Membership
How to Join
A membership application may be obtained on the Membership Application Form page or by contacting the Membership coordinator through the link at left. Each application will be read at the first membership meeting after the application and dues are received. Persons interested in becoming acquainted with the Club and its activities, who do not want to apply for membership yet, may attend any of our events and request a copy of our newsletter. |

The Chesapeake Golden Retriever Club, Inc. is an organization whose members are united to do all in their power to protect and advance the interests of the breed by promoting responsible dog ownership, providing educational opportunities for all interested individuals, and by encouraging good sportsmanlike conduct and fair competition at all dog related events.

Membership Application 
CGRC Membership Coordinator
