The Chesapeake Golden Retriever Club serves northeastern Maryland and northern Delaware


Crate Training
When you bring your puppy home, you should have a place the puppy can call it's own; a crate. Dogs are den dwelling, and prefer to be in a secure, protected place. It is a great aid in house-breaking and gives you peace of mind when there are times you can't watch your puppy or dog. For further information on crate training you may obtain a copy of "A Pet Owner's Guide To The Crate" by Nicki Meyer by sending your name, address and first class postage to:

Nicki Meyer Educational Effort
31 Davis Hill Road
Weston, CT 06883

Proper care of your Golden is your responsibility. Goldens require plenty of daily exercise so that they can maintain physical and mental fitness. However, they should never be allowed to run loose. This is unfair to your neighbors and is dangerous for the dog. Your Golden may become overactive and difficult to live with without regular exercise. At times when you cannot walk the dog on a leash, he should be confined to a fenced yard or kennel run.

Also important is regular veterinary care. It is advisable to spay or neuter your Golden. Breeding should be left to people who are able to dedicate the time, money and energy to improving the breed.

Your New Golden Puppy

Adding a member to your family is an important decision. Everyone should be informed and involved in this decision. A Golden puppy is a commitment for the next 10 -15 years. This information is provided to assist you in making the right decision.

CGRC Breeder Referral

Related Links:

Crate Training your Puppy or Adult Dog

How to Raise a Well-Mannered Dog - Delaware Valley Golden Retriever Rescue, Inc.

Home Alone? Basic Time Management for Your Dog - Champaign County Humane Society



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