Your New Golden Puppy
Adding a member to your family is an important decision. Everyone should be informed and involved in this decision. A Golden puppy is a commitment for the next 10 -15 years. This information is provided to assist you in making the right decision.
Breeder Referral
To obtain email of educational material and a list of breeders to start you on your search for a Golden Retriever email our Breeder Referral Chairperson - Click Here.
Your information will be sent shortly. Please do not send detailed requests to the above email address. Details can be shared when you contact a member breeder directly.
Current Litters
No current listed litters from CGRC member breeders
For additional referrals contact the following:
Chesapeake Golden Retriever Club also has a breeder and puppy referral chairperson who can be contacted by email using this link - CGRC Breeder Referral Chairperson.
You can also check Potomac Valley Golden Retriever Club's website for puppy referral information.
Puppy Care
For some basic resources about puppy care and training see our puppy care page - Click Here.

The Golden Commitment
The Golden Retriever lives to give. They give you all they have, whether in performance or companionship. They need to be with people, and they are everyone's best friend. They are active, shed a lot, have a need to carry things, and tend to dig. Therefore, if you are looking for a watchdog or a one man dog, if you cannot tolerate dog hair, or if you have little time or energy to devote to a dog, this is not the breed for you. We suggest you contact the American Kennel Club for more information on breed characteristics. Or use Iam's Breed Selector for automated recommendations based on traits you select.
Puppy or Adult
Puppies are like babies. They require a lot of time and attention. It is extremely important that they be cared for properly, introduced to new sights and sounds at appropriate stages in their development, and be well socialized and well trained. This is the basis for developing a puppy to its fullest potential as a welcomed family member. If you cannot make this commitment, you may want to consider an older, housebroken Golden which has already been socialized and well trained. GRREAT - Golden Retriever Rescue
Education And Training, Inc. is a rescue group serving the mid-Atlantic area.
